Why Former Athletes Struggle When They Don't Rebuild Their Team

Think back to a hard practice. A grueling one. One where you felt like giving up, but didn’t. Who got you through that workout? 


I bet you just had a smile come across your face as you remember your team, they were such a critical piece of your success. So the question becomes why do we as athletes overlook needing a team after college athletics end?

When retired athletes don’t rebuild their team, they struggle. Our entire collegiate lives, we had a team around us, and more importantly, they were our support. Most of us probably didn’t realize the magnitude of their impact, until they were gone. 

So how do we get our team back? 

College athletes thrive with a team around them and there are so many ways that we can give ourselves a team again. Yes, the truth is we may not spend each day with 15-20+ women who we consider family, but we still have options to get close to that feeling and we should take them. That is why many athletes enjoy a structured workout and many times in a class or boot camp setting, it’s an environment we thrive in. 

So what about the rest of us, who don’t like the type of workouts offered in group classes? Because there seems to be a ton of us, how do we get our team back?

  1. Enlist those around you who share a common goal.

    1. Family, coworkers, an online challenge.

    2. They can share in your triumphs and struggles.

    3. You already feel comfortable with them. 

  2. Hire a personal trainer

    1. Can help hold you accountable. 

    2. Give you a place to start and you don’t have to figure out what to do each day. Though they can become expensive quickly.

    3. Get in-person, hands-on instruction. 

  3. Forever Fit

    1. You get a team that understands what it’s like to be a retired athlete. 

    2. A structured plan that is easy to execute and won’t kill you, unless you want it to. It’s affordable and you get your money back if you don’t love it. 

    3. You get one-on-one attention, which costs about 60% less than a personal trainer. 

Finding your team is extremely important so we challenge you to take the next step toward building your new team. Join a class, enlist someone close to you, or get started with Forever Fit, whichever option you choose just make the jump. Reaching your goal is going to be easier and way more enjoyable with a team.